Beyond Vision


Photos of Tony Creapeau smiling and wearing a white polo in the Beyond Vision open office area.

Tony Creapeau 

Tony has countless professional achievements. However, one of Tony’s most significant achievements is being the first blind individual to be a part of Beyond Vision’s IT Team…

Photo of Pah Jaw standing in our manufacturing area.

Pah Jaw 

Pah Jaw holds a strong trait of being a protector towards his friends and family. Pah was born and raised in Burma. At the age of 18, Pah became a protector, fighter and soldier, protecting the Karen people…

Photo of Julius wearing a bright red Beyond Vision polo shirt.

Julius Perez 

Julius Perez considers coming to work at Beyond Vision a meant-to-be accident that saved his life. His path to Beyond Vision had several twists and turns. Born with congenital glaucoma, Julius was never passive…

Photo of Sophia Kipp in Beyond Vision's manufacturing area.

Sophia Kipp 

“She’s tiny, but has a huge heart!” Says, one of her fellow co-workers. Sophia Kipp has been an inspiring and fun individual to many at Beyond Vision…

Black and white photo of Jim Kerlin smiling and wearing a bright red suit.

Jim Kerlin 

Working alongside many partners, Jim, the Beyond Vision team and board members brainstormed ideas to make this vision a reality…

Beyond Vision employee, Mary, wearing a blue sweatshirt while standing and smiling in the office.

Mary Luczaj

Mary Luczaj is an excellent example of a genuine and compassionate person who always offers her help when available because she believes it is the right thing to do…

Shoulder up shot of Kristin Moke

Kristin Moke 

Over the past several years, she has come out of her shell as a diligent employee and stepped up to take ownership of her role, her store and her team…

Renee sitting and smiling at her A&P station.

Renee Jones

Renee, a remarkable woman who has faced the challenge of blindness since birth, has not allowed her circumstances to define her…