Beyond Vision

Gale Klatt

Gale Klatt sits at a work table. He is wearing safety goggles and smiling brightly. He is wearing a black and red Beyond Vision shirt.

Beyond Vision’s Low Turnover means Dedicated Employees

Many older companies in Milwaukee are proud to have employees that have been there for decades. Beyond Vision is no exception to that tradition.

Although fully blind, Gale Klatt has seen the progress of Beyond Vision firsthand. He first worked in the machine shop in 1967, he came back for a time in 1972 and then settled in permanently in 1985.  In between he worked with other agencies including IBMilwaukee and Goodwill, and a machine shop near his home. Gale can chart the path of several former employees, give you the history of products that were being produced and the companies we worked with over the decades of his service.

From his training at the Janesville School for the Blind, Gale came to the machine shop with the ability to read the braille micrometer. Since that time, he has grown to be one of the most talented people in the shop. With his seniority in the department, he is regarded as one of the most efficient, accurate and respected members of the team.  An important thing to note, Gale was happy about the transition from braille micrometers to audio ones because they offered much more accuracy. His favorite work in the shop are the high precision jobs.

In those years, Gale has made the commute from Hartland, Wisconsin to Milwaukee via public transit. His bus ride could take over three hours on some days. To Gale, his greatest accomplishment has been to keep a steady job and raise his two daughters. Combined with his commitment to work and his family, Gale has made time for the community. He was a member of the Hartland Lions Club and was President of his local Jaycees group. As a hobby, Gale and his wife, Theresa, have been weaving rugs and accessories for sale at craft fairs and community events since 1982.

Even with Retinopathy of Prematurity, Gale Klatt has never allowed blindness to limit his opportunities. When asked what he thought he would be when he grew up, he said that he had considered becoming a minister. But was quick to mention that if he had sight, he would have been a truck driver or a racecar driver!Machine Shop Team - close

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