Beyond Vision

Why Fundraising

Why we do fundraising?

By Guillermo Baena

When you learn that Beyond Vision is an extraordinarily successful social enterprise, with a multimillion-dollar budget that has been in business for over 117 years. With clients such as GE, Caterpillar, Oshkosh trucks, Briggs and Stratton, and Harley Davidson, it is natural to come with the question: Why do they fundraise? Do they actually need me as a donor?

People who leave with vision loss are among other minorities and disabilities, still facing the most significant challenges and obstacles in finding a job. This systemic problem causes a majority of this population to lack working experience, higher education, and job readiness. Additionally, most of the work-related processes have been designed to be completed using your vision.

For us at Beyond Vision, to provide meaningful employment, driving in career advancement with most of our employees being blind or visually impaired, and without risking competitiveness when service our business partners, we need to invest in workforce development, adaptive technology, and redesign of processes and pieces of equipment. Your contribution makes it possible to fill the gap between a sighed and a blind person. Your donation is used to finance our workforce development programs, acquire adaptive technologies, develop and apply state of the art design and engineering in rebuilding Assembling and Packaging, and Machine-shop process. Together, we run the social business because you are making it possible for a blind person to work side-by-side as efficiently as any sighted co-worker.