Beyond Vision

Mary LaPointe

Headshot of Mary LaPointe talking.


Learning to Lead

Get to know Beyond Vision’s Customer Care Center Team Leader.
She’s on the ‘runway’ for career development.

Mary LaPointe



An Emerging Leader

In 2017, National Industries for the Blind began a new program called Emerging Professionals. The training is a new part of their Business Leaders Program, intended to help encourage career development among people who are blind. Mary LaPointe, from Beyond Vision, was chosen as one of the first participants. Because the program is aimed at training “high-potential employees at NIB associated nonprofit agencies who are blind for upward mobility using learning and development strategies from several Business Leaders programs”, Mary was the perfect choice.

Mary Lapointe and Deb Wenzel are chatting at Deb's cubicle.By offering opportunities to participate in this type of training, Beyond Vision is hoping to foster greater employment opportunities for people who are blind. Whether those be introductory level courses or opportunities to seek promotions into different fields.

The key is that we want more for our employees, and they want more from their jobs. By creating the Customer Care Center, we have been able to offer broader career opportunities for people who are blind or with vision loss.

Mary was interviewed by Opportunity magazine about the experience. Here’s what she told them, “I wanted to learn about the different learning and communication styles of the people I work with, and how my communication style affects them.  I’m a somewhat strong willed, outspoken person. The program helped me learn how to be a better listener, how to compromise and be a team player, and how to give employees constructive feedback. And I loved the fact that I could do it all without having to travel. I wouldn’t have been able to do it otherwise.”

The work that Beyond Vision does for customers provides people who are blind or visually impaired more than a  job. It is a positive work environment and “runway” for them not only to land, but to take off in their career. Each of our customers help support that possibility.

If your company or someone you know would like to learn more about Beyond Vision’s customer care services,
please contact 414-778-5800 or